Protecting young people and adults at risk of abuse or neglect through safeguarding is a top priority at Deft Academy. We are committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students, and as such, every member of our staff has received comprehensive safeguarding training.

Within our centers, we have designated safeguarding officers who are readily available to address any concerns. Posters displaying their contact information are prominently displayed so that students can easily locate and reach out to them if needed.

Understanding Extremism and Radicalization:

Extremism refers to holding intolerant views towards individuals of different races, cultures, religions, genders, or sexual orientations, which may justify acts of violence or discrimination. Radicalization occurs when an individual’s thoughts and behaviors significantly deviate from societal norms, often leading to extremist ideologies.

Factors contributing to radicalization in young people may include:

  • Identity, faith, and belonging
  • Seeking understanding of current events
  • Personal experiences of discrimination
  • Influence from peers with connections to extremist ideologies

Recognizing Signs of Radicalization:

While certain behaviors may align with typical adolescent development, additional indicators can suggest a child is being radicalized, such as:

  • Unusual changes in behavior, dress, or peer relationships
  • Increased online activity
  • Quick judgment of differing opinions
  • Secretive behavior
  • Loss of interest in previous activities
  • Expressing sympathy or glorifying violence
  • Possession of extremist literature

Supporting Young People to Stay Safe:

Parents can play a crucial role in safeguarding their children by maintaining open communication, monitoring online activity, and providing guidance on respectful behavior and critical thinking. Additionally, parents can:

  • Help children understand the risks associated with certain activities
  • Monitor internet usage and stay informed about social media platforms
  • Encourage dialogue about online interactions and the importance of skepticism
  • Take proactive steps to prevent potential risks, such as securing passports
  • Stay vigilant for any concerning behavior or signs of radicalization

If parents have any concerns, they are encouraged to reach out to their child’s private tutor or the center’s safeguarding officers promptly. Our team is here to support and provide necessary resources to ensure the safety and well-being of all students.
